Space engineers steam download
Space engineers steam download

  • It is now possible to include custom widgetui/icons.json and widgetui/materials.json files in data mods.
  • Civilization loading symbols, unique unit and technology IDs for AIs.
  • Image file names used by the civilization selection and loading screens.
  • Internal civilization names used by the technology tree, future items display, and civilization icon and emblem widgetui material names.
  • Civilization name string IDs and AI leader name string range.
  • Civilization interface style (used in the interface material names).
  • The amount of civilizations in the data mod (the minimum number of non-gaia civilizations that can be present is 1 the current maximum is the amount of civilizations in the official dataset).
  • It is now possible to modify previously hardcoded civilization settings in civilizations.json file:.
  • Militia-line, Knight-line, and Centurions train 50% faster and receive a 5 damage charge attack.
  • Scorpions and Galley-line fire 33% faster.
  • space engineers steam download

    Roman Unique Infantry Unit, replaces Two-Handed Swordsman/Champion at the Barracks.The effect does not stack for multiple Centurions. Increases movement speed by 10% (15% Elite) and attack speed by 25% (33% Elite) of Militia-line units in 10 (12 Elite) tile radius.

    space engineers steam download

  • Roman Unique Cavalry Unit, trained at Castle.
  • Scorpions cost -60% gold and benefit from Ballistics research.
  • Infantry receives double effect from Blacksmith armor upgrades.
  • War Galleys +1/+1P armor, Galleons and Dromons +2/+2P armor.
  • Villagers gather, build, and repair 5% faster.
  • Infantry Civilization Civilization Bonuses: Note: Romans are not initially available for ranked multiplayer, but will in the near future. New Civilization available with purchase of Return of Rome DLC!
  • Fire ship 25% attack speed bonus now also applies to Dromon.
  • space engineers steam download

  • Elephant units converted from a Bengali player no longer lose their bonus conversion resistance.
  • (Elite) Cannon Galleon now benefits from Siege Engineers technology.

  • Space engineers steam download